Our story

Let’s Change the world

About us

Why convey to Germany?

After a market research and initial customer acquisition, it became clear to us that skilled workers, especially nurses such as nurses and geriatric nurses, are in great demand in Germany. This shortage of skilled workers can be replaced by foreign trainees and skilled workers. We will be happy to provide you with suitable trainees and specialists according to your needs.

Why Tunisian trainees?

The education system in Tunisia is very advanced and the people there are highly qualified. The Tunisian general higher education entrance qualification (Abitur) is indifferent to the German and is recognized in Germany. In addition, Tunisian specialists are successful in Germany and have shown very good performance. The skilled workers available in Tunisia are ideal to cover the skills shortage in Germany.

Who do we mediate?

We only place young, motivated people who have at least the general university entrance qualification and have gained initial experience in nursing and the medical field. In addition, the potential employees have at least level B2 so that they can quickly integrate into professional life.

How do we make sure people are suitable?

We not only mediate, we train! We offer German language courses and integration courses for motivated talents and make sure that they also learn technical terms. We also offer advanced training for first aid courses and internships at our partner hospitals in Tunisia so that people can get their first insights into the medical field.

What else are we doing?

We take care of all processes, recognition of certificates and translation of documents. We also offer integration courses for anyone who has found a training position or job in Germany.

Let’s Build Something Together

Whoever aimed at building something new, something from scratch, may it be a house, a company, or new business model, knows: It is highly complex, and a million things can go wrong…
Lucky are those, that have support, someone by their side. Someone who helps them turn their vision into reality, someone who plans, designs and oversees the process. Someone that works with them through the good times and the bad times .